Find Strength
In Communication

A Comprehensive Therapeutic Approach

Communication Associates is a private practice providing Speech, Language and Occupational therapies to children, adolescents and young adults. It has been our privilege, since 1999, to have worked with those in need of Speech, Language and Occupational therapies, as well as their families. We continue to create a strong clinical and personal relationship with all of our clients, offering a comprehensive therapeutic approach. 


Therapy Tailored to Each Client

All of the professionals at Communication Associates appreciate the individual strengths and needs of each client and strive to identify their fundamental challenges so that a bottom-up approach is employed when designing a therapeutic plan of treatment. As professionals trained to understand all facets impacting communication, we address sensory processing, oral motor, language processing and executive functions when assessing each client and developing a plan of care. We take great pleasure in seeing the gains made by all of our clients. This enables every client to find strength in communication.